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Congratulations to the following graduating midget players!

Posted by Oceanside MHA on Jul 07 2017 at 01:19PM PDT

Oceanside Minor Hockey Association is extremely proud of the following graduating Midget players who received a scholarship or bursary:

Gibson Clark was awarded a $100,000 Schulich Leader Scholarship, a Board of Education District Scholarship and a Parksville Volunteer Fire Department – Rod Banks Memorial Bursary.
Katy Downey was awarded a District #69 Slo-Pitch Society Mike Clark Memorial Bursary, a Jeff Nabseth Memorial Hockey Scholarship and a Simon Spearing Scholarship.
Connor Freeman was awarded a Michelle Stilwell, MLA Parksville-Qualicum Athletic Award.
Garrick Waite was awarded a Royal Canadian Legion-Ladies Auxiliary Branch No. 49 Medical Scholarship.
Duncan Cairns was awarded a BC Hockey District Scholarship.
Blayre Paddock was awarded a Kim Mason Memorial Scholarship.

Congratulations, well done and good luck from all of us at OMHA in your future endeavors.