News and Announcements

As the Development Coordinator for OMHA, I have been working on a website for a number of months which offers drills through screencasts that may help players and their parents as well as coaches. Many are not my original work and I have tried to give credit to those that created them as far as I know. There are other resources for parents and coaches via links that I have discovered. Always a work in progress, this takes time and will hopefully grow in the coming months. If you have any great drills or thoughts, you can contact me via the website.
It is found at: and the password is: goodpassingbeatsall

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Minor Hockey Player Ice Time

Posted by Oceanside MHA at Nov 10, 2015 7:06PM PST

Please see attached bulletin from Vancouver Island Amateur Hockey Association regarding Minor Hockey Player Ice Time.

For those that are new to “scorekeeping” (read: Most of us parents!), we have put together a short but comprehensive video on what all the sections of the scoresheet mean and how to fill one out. This should be useful for someone “new to scorekeeping” and may help reduce some of the stress associated with this parental duty. ;D

To view the screencast on scorekeeping, follow this link:

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Team Photo Nights Next Tuesday and Wednesday

Posted by Oceanside MHA at Oct 23, 2015 9:27AM PDT

Just a reminder that your team photo night will be next Tuesday or Wednesday.
Please see attached schedule for your time slot.

There are limited dressing rooms available so please come dressed in your gear.
Skates will not be required for the photos.

Please be on time as we are not able to wait for late comers.

Bring your envelope with you with the top portion completed and the bottom if you are getting extras.

Thank You

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Parent Respect in Sport Requirement

Posted by Oceanside MHA at Oct 14, 2015 8:15PM PDT

Dear Oceanside MHA,

October 15 is almost upon us and thus the deadline for Oceanside parents/guardians to have completed their Parent Respect in Sport requirement as mandated by VIAHA. This must be completed by October 31, 2015 (no exceptions). For more information please go to the VIAHA website at It only takes about an hour to complete. Please take time to read the up-dated FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) as this is very helpful.

If you do not complete Respect in Sport by Oct 31/2015, your child will be considered an ineligible player and we are required to remove them from the ice until one (1) parent/caregiver can take the on-line certification. To access the ‘Parent’ Clinic Version go to

If you have a current ‘Team Official/Volunteer’ version of Respect in Sport, you do not need to take the parent version as well. However, please ensure that your address and your child’s address are the same or they will not link.

If you have already completed your Parent Respect in Sport, thank you.


Gwynn Dykstra
Risk Manager